In 1976, Johnny Cash recorded this rockabilly song about a man who went to work in a Detroit automobile assembly plant in 1949. He devised a plan to smuggle parts out of the plant and 23 years later he had enough parts to build his Cadillac. As the song goes, it didn’t cost him a dime.
Unfortunately burglars, an occasional employee and some subcontractors believe they can supply their own workshops or build that construction project with your tools and materials, without it costing them a dime.
Unity Security has extensive experience ranging from small commercial projects to expansive commercial construction campuses covering hundreds of acres. Our internal safety program can be merged with your program to maximize your site safety. We are proud of our current streak of nearly 450,000 man hours worked without a workman compensation claim.
It’s about time we put an end to others getting it one piece at a time, without it costing them a dime.
How do you protect your assets without breaking the bank? What is the best use of your loss prevention budget without cumbersome and burdensome procedures? How can Unity Security & Safety provide Value Added Services that will promote job site safety, control thefts and identify delivery omissions without any additional costs? If you would like additional information detailing how these services potentially INCREASE your bottom line and stretch your security budget, simply call 877-887-7717. If you prefer a more personal approach, contact our Client Relationship Managers today.
Construction Sites, Warehouses
& Manufacturing